Loving thick and complex books from an early age, I had discovered the joys of abstract thinking. At university, I've developped a taste to formal logic, philosophy of science and analytical philosophy. Coming from Arts and Humanities background, I've dedicated extra care to master logic, critical thinking and philosophy of sciences.
Aiming at becoming a Philosophy teacher, I went into grad school in Montreal. My thesis was about the concept of fallacy. Explaining how we can better understand fallacies (and sound argumentation) thru the lense dialectics, linguistics and pragmatics. I have been a teacher for a short while and chose to pivot into technology.
Since then philosophy had become a hobby to me. Between being an exercise of abstract thinking and an art of living. I'm currently reading authors from any period and origin.
After a short stint as a teacher, I've taken the challenge of a professional retraining. I wanted to be part of this technological revolution of the 21st century. Putting my critical thinking skills to work and developping concrete projects. Becoming a software developer !
My current role is devops specialist. I do everything cloud as code and try to automate the toil. Current team is working toward adopting a SRE mindset.
Solving problems, empowering teamates, and adding value are keys to success!
Writing is still the best way to share ideas. I'm sharing subject matters I'm interested in thru short blog posts. Most of the time, those posts are linked to software and web developement. However, philosophy and humanism drive a good part of my digital interventions.
The best way to truly master a subject matter, one has to explain it ; teach it. I get a lot of value back from maintaining this blog🤓
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